Thursday, January 30, 2020

Top of Form Essay Example for Free

Top of Form Essay The U.S. has gone through many transitions in its short history. The pre-Depression were born before 1930. People born in this era as young children saw their family go through very difficult hardships. They are mostly conservative and are typically not concerned about materialistic things but instead concerned about health, aging, financial, and personal security. People born in the Depression era were small children who were instilled into them the importance of rationing, saving, morals, and ethics. People in this generation value family togetherness, but are slow to embrace change. People born in the baby boom era, typically born 1946-1964, were all about self-expression and optimism. Today, many of the baby boomers are workaholics working well into their 50s and 60s. Many people of this generation are more tuned in to technology. The golf channel would cater to a lot of people from this generation due to the fact nearly all of them are retired at this point. Golf is one of those sports that you dont necessarily need to be in tip top shape to partake in. Product managers of the golf channel would cater to people of this generation by showing golf as a leisurely activity that can be done on a Sunday afternoon. The approach the golf channel marketing to the Depression group be similar to the pre-Depression. Golf would be depicted golf as a nice leisurely activity that is not strenuous on your body and is a sport perfect for soon to be or already retired people. Baby boomers would look at Golf as a place where business transactions are discussed. Golf has greatly transformed over the past few decades and many more people of the baby boomers generation are beginning to play it. As I a sales representative of Verizon Wireless, I deal with the difficulty of trying to cater my sales pitch to individuals from all three of the generations. For a product like an ipod, the earlier the generation, the more difficult it is for them to buy into the concept or product. For an individual from the pre-Depression era it would be important to focus on strictly the functionality of the device and not the device itself. Somebody from this generation is not going to be sold on the bandwagon approach. However, you can cater to the fact that an ipod can assist them in their everyday lives and make many tasks a lot easier. For example, as memory loss kicks in, having a phone that can set reminders or even has the capability of being able to beep when its misplaced would be very appealing to somebody to somebody a little older. Since people of this era are very family based, a project manager could also position the ability to send and receive pictures of their grandchildren and being able to see them via Skype. A project manager could also An individual from the baby boomer era would be the easiest to sell a device like the ipod to. People of this era would be much more more receptive to new technology and they would be more likely to be persuaded by the bandwagon approach.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Personal Narrative Essay - Crickets :: Personal Narrative Writing

Personal Narrative- Crickets I’ve never liked bugs. Grasshoppers are gruesome, and wasps are menacing. Even butterflies seem to flaunt their grace by fluttering in your face. Recently, however, I’ve realized that one insect cowers below the others as the most scheming of the six-legged world. I’ve discovered that I hate crickets. These bugs are way too happy for their own good. Not only black, smaller versions of the grasshopper, crickets are masters of hide and seek. The inky bodies blend flawlessly into the shadows beneath a bush or inside the garage. Each crunchy creature also must have a shrinking ability. Squeezing into cracks and crannies in walls, even the cockroach is shamed by the cricket. Once hiding within thirty feet of my presence, the despicable beast begins to sing its wretched, repetitive tune. Echoing in my ears, magnified by the silence between chirps, the song rattles in my head. Forget studying, forget writing and solving problems, forget sleeping, because I am irritated. Each shrill note pierces my skull, drumming inside my head as though pressuring my brain. "Find me," it taunts, "if you can." Concentrating becomes isolated, like a special filter is funneling only the vibrato-filled song into my mind. Eyes wide and furious, I hunt, following the gnawing chirp. Listening with ears attuned only to the shriek, I creep so slowly, so focused my muscles ache with the strain. Zoning in on a tiny area, suddenly repulsed by the thought of cricket skin brushing my delicate fingertips, I seize a sandal from the step. I can hear it. I know it’s only a few inches away.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Introduction to become an Alim Essay

* The first thing is to act upon what has been thought, the person who seek knowledge and does not act upon it will become mislead. * Always respect everyone and never do something that which will lower your dignity because now you are representing Islam; it not so hold your own respect it is so you hold the respect of Islam. * Never act proud that you an educated a person verily Allah dislike the people who are proud and arrogant. * Be humble and soft with classmates, even if he/she treats you unjustly to you. * When you asked a question by a person who is hard of learning and he/she ask for explanation over and over again don’t become angry and just true your best to understand the question. * IF you are asked a question and you don’t know then say ‘I DON’T KNOW’ and don’t make the answer up. * Always stay on the topic when asked a question. * If someone correct you and you are wrong and admit that he is right. Never deny HAQ (truth) and always accepts the truth. The Ethics of the teacher * Always rush to giving Salam the teacher. * Talk minimum in front of your teacher. * When the teacher enter the room stand up in the honor and respect. * Don’t say that someone talked against you. * Don’t ask a question to anyone around the teacher because if they don’t know the answer they will feel embarrassed. * Don’t go against the teacher’s opinion. * Don’t laugh in front of the teacher * Only ask them question when they are at home, not in public * One should stop the teacher from teaching when they are tiered. * To be humbled in front the teacher. * Listen to the lecture with full attention. * before studying seek permission then read Istiadah and Bismillah, then make a dua once finished lesson Intention of an Alim-e-Deen When a student of deen is studying his intention should be to please Allah and to help towards Nabi mission and also to show other members of Islam to learn.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Psychology - 1731 Words

The Different schools of psychology Structuralism- the first school of thought headed by Wilhelm Wundt, a German, and later by E.B. Titchener started in 1879 when experimental psychology was gaining more incentive. The structuralists, as they called themselves, thought of psychology as the study of conscious experience. They started components experience. They started that all complex substances could be analyzed through their component elements. They held that elementary mental states such as sensations, images and feelings form the structure of consciousness and are directly observable through introspection by careful empirical observation. They sought to discover the physiological bases of various types of conscious experiences, with†¦show more content†¦The gestalt effect is the form-generating capability of our senses, particularly with respect to the visual recognition of figures and whole forms instead of just a collection of simple lines and curves. In psychology, gestaltism is often opposed to structu ralism. The phrase The whole is greater than the sum of the parts is often used when explaining gestalt theory, though this is a mistranslation of Kurt Koffka s original phrase, The whole is other than the sum of the parts.Gestalt theory allows for the breakup of elements from the whole situation into what it really is. Psychoanalytic theory- refers to the definition of personality organization and the dynamics of personality development that underlie and guide the psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapy, called psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology. First laid out by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century, psychoanalytic theory has undergone many refinements since his work. Psychoanalytic theory came to full prominence in the last third of the twentieth century as part of the flow of critical discourse regarding psychological treatments after the 1960s, long after Freud s death in 1939. Freud had ceased his analysis of the brain and his physiological studies and shifted his focus to the study of the mind and the related psychological attributes making up the mind, and on treatment using free association and the phenomena of transference. HisShow MoreRelatedPsychology : Psychology And Psychology1627 Words   |  7 Pagescovers the many questions we may have about psy chology. It starts with the history and how it has changed throughout the years. It covers some of the many subfields and jobs you can have as a psychologist. It also covers the four big ideas that are associated with psychology. There are many more topics and sub-topics that will be covered within this paper on chapter 1. Section 1-1 Psychological Science is born: This section shows how the heart of psychology changes over time. In 1879, at a germanRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1519 Words   |  7 PagesPsychology has been defined by many as the study of mental disorder or behavioral problems but discoveries and developments, points to psychology as the study of human mind and its functionality which includes the way we think, act, perceive things and be able to make decisions; all these makes man a complex being. Psychology isn’t just a phenomenon; it is a scientific study. Psychology as a science answers the question â€Å"why†, proposes a theory and sets experiment to test the hypothesis. The researchRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology889 Words   |  4 PagesOne: Psychology Defined Psychology is an exceptionally multifaceted field of study, regardless, it can be commonly defined as the study of mental processes and human behavior. The goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict and control the behavior of others. Psychology incorporates an extensive range of different perspectives into its general principles as well as focuses on securing them with applied research, case studies, evaluations, etc. I first became interested in psychology whenRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1018 Words   |  5 Pagesof psychology is common to talk about the psychological schools, as these are defined as groups of psychologists who shared a theoretical view and focused psychological problems with a common orientation; these have evolved over time. Psychology was first established as a separate science of biology and philosophy, that s when the real debate over how to describe and explain the human mind and behavior began start, different psychological schools represent the major theories of psychology. TheRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology892 Words   |  4 PagesWhen you first think of the word psychology, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Well, some people might say they don’t know or some would say it’s something that has to do with the mind and/or human behavior. Psychology which comes from the Greek term â€Å"psyche† is the study of mental processes and behavior; especially those affecting behavior in a given context. There are several schools of thought in psychology. These schools include: structuralism (Wundt), functionalism (James), gestaltRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1267 Words   |  6 PagesPaper What is psychology? What impact does psychology have on the world? What does it mean to be a psychologist? These are three important questions that will be investigated throughout this paper. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Psychology influences many behaviors in the world without anyone noticing. Watson is interested in behaviorism. This means he was interested in the behavior of people and how they act and react. Through his article, Psychology as the BehavioristRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology850 Words   |  4 PagesPsychology to me is meant to help people understand the complexity of other human beings. We have established the existence of many disorders which are mainly beyond the control of people because of chemical imbalances in the brain. Although with these reasons, we still have attached negative and positive connotations to many disorders. We have created this concept of psychology in order to help us try to find some sense of order in our lives. This can allow us to try rank ourselves next to anotherRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1703 Words   |  7 PagesPsychology has a lot of jobs to choose from.Any job in psychology is going to be involved helping people. Trying to find out why people do the things they do and trying to predi ct the behavior of people, their emotions, and mental processes. Making sure your child or any person you care about is okay mentally, is important and is the job of people who work in a major in psychology. For this paper, the roles of a psychiatrist, a counselor, and a psychologist will be discussed. The audience will learnRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1300 Words   |  6 PagesIn Psychology There are six modern psychological perspectives. These perspectives are behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, social, cultural, and biological. Each perspective has its own unique way of explaining human behavior. I think that really explains the complex mental processes and behavior, and each prospective study should not be limited to just one. The following is my explanation of the terms and comparisons between the psychodynamic and behavioral aspects relating to the OctoberRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology Essay2200 Words   |  9 PagesHow is ps ychology defined today? How did psychology start out being defined originally? Humans have always been interested in understanding their own body, especially the brain itself. Some of the first people to explore psychology were Aristotle and Socrates, (even though some of the things they thought were wrong) of course at the time they did not know what exactly they were studying.